Aditya Ray, PhD

Researching Techonolgy Transformations & Development


Models, Miracles, and Methods: Tracing Postcolonial Trajectories of 'Digital India'

Aditya Ray

Social Media + Society , Under Review(Invited Special Issue on Platform Economies in Digital Asia)

The Digital Dis-intermediation and Social Re-intermediation of Work and Labour in India’s Gig Economy

Aditya Ray

Economic Geography , Vale M, Rodrigues N, Alexandra Carvalho Ferreira D, Economic Geography Book Series - 'Geographies of the Platform Economy. Critical Perspectives’, Springer , Cham, pp. 189-201

Coping with crisis and precarity in the gig economy: ‘Digitally organised informality’, migration and socio-spatial networks among platform drivers in India

Aditya Ray

Environment & Planning A: Economy and Space, Online First, Invited Special Theme Issue: "Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy"

Social Policy And Democracy : An Exploratory Study Of The MGNREGA.

Aditya Ray

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, School of Development Studies, 2011