Aditya Ray, PhD

Researching Techonolgy Transformations & Development

Techno-Humanity: In-formality, Precarity, and Social Reproduction in the Urban Economy

This work stream explores everyday experiences, embodiments and entanglements of human lives with technology, and its intersections with informality, precarity, solidarity and social reproduction. 


The Digital Dis-intermediation and Social Re-intermediation of Work and Labour in India’s Gig Economy

Aditya Ray

Economic Geography , Vale M, Rodrigues N, Alexandra Carvalho Ferreira D, Economic Geography Book Series - 'Geographies of the Platform Economy. Critical Perspectives’, Springer , Cham, pp. 189-201

Coping with crisis and precarity in the gig economy: ‘Digitally organised informality’, migration and socio-spatial networks among platform drivers in India

Aditya Ray

Environment & Planning A: Economy and Space, Online First, Invited Special Theme Issue: "Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy"