Aditya Ray, PhD

Researching Techonolgy Transformations & Development

Post-Pandemic Futures of Work, Sustainability and Well-being in the City

This project explores the implications of new technologies on working lives and well-being in diverse urban contexts after the COVID-19 pandemic in the Global South and North.

The project has thus far explored the conditions and impact of the pandemic on the lived experiences of ordinary migrant and non-migrant platform drivers across two cities of India. This project will be  expanded to the South-West UK (Bristol) and Europe (Berlin) with local collaborators, with added dynamics documenting changes in user behaviour, consumption and sustainability attitudes in the post-pandemic context.

The work for this project has been hosted and supported by The Open University and the Queen Mary University of London.

Additional Links:

1) Presentation on Digital Labour in the Wake of Pandemic Times  hosted by the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin, organised by the WZB and ILO research - 2023 (video link below).

2) Invited Speaker - University of Cambridge: Technologies: Uncertainity, Ethics and Change the Symposium -2023

3) Interview discussion with Prof Amit Basole, APU, Bengaluru, on the implications of COVID-19 pandemic on work and migration in India, and potential solutions - 2020 (video link below).


Coping with crisis and precarity in the gig economy: ‘Digitally organised informality’, migration and socio-spatial networks among platform drivers in India

Aditya Ray

Environment & Planning A: Economy and Space, Online First, Invited Special Theme Issue: "Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy"

The Digital Dis-intermediation and Social Re-intermediation of Work and Labour in India’s Gig Economy

Aditya Ray

Economic Geography , Vale M, Rodrigues N, Alexandra Carvalho Ferreira D, Economic Geography Book Series - 'Geographies of the Platform Economy. Critical Perspectives’, Springer , Cham, pp. 189-201