Aditya Ray, PhD

Researching Techonolgy Transformations & Development

Working Lives in the New Services

The project explores the implications of increasing digitalisation, privatisation and globalisation of 'new services' work in the global South.

The initial phase of the project drawing specially from my PhD and postdoctoral projects (2015-2021) examined diverse urban and labour geographies associated with Information Technology-enabled outsourcing centres (including call centres, back office and data work) in Indian cities. The project was supported by postdoctoral funding from the ESRC and hosted at the Open University. 

The latest part of the project, starting 2024, is seeking collaboration with UK, India, and other international partners to trace the development of global IT-services outsourcing value chains, their disruption through automation and artificial intelligence (AI), and their impact on decent work in local developmental contexts. 
Video link to invited presentation at the University of Cambridge on Work and Technology in the Symposium - Geographies of Work in the Pandemic and Beyond (2020)